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Dan on Like it or Limpet, Pete's new 7B+!*** arete

All photos: Pete Robins collection

Pete on FA of Two Aretes Syndrome 7A+!**

Dan repeating Two Aretes Syndrome 7A+!** with chalk visible on his own Sleep of Faith 7A* on the wall to the right

Dan repeating Shrimpmaster 7A** (project line 38 on topo 1)

Dan repeating Piethe of Pith 7A+!

Dan mid-leap on the FA of Sleep of Faith 7A*

Pete Robins and Dan McManus had an amazing day at Talfarach area 1 today, walking away with a stunning array of new problems. Take it away Pete...

"Dan and I repeated Mikey's stunning Piethe of Pith confirming his original grade of 7A+!***. We popped for the lip on the left so didn't meet the arete as the topo says..think it's better this way.

Then I did the sitter to Equinox at 7B**, same position as Solstice. Stand confirmed as 7A+. Great problem, nice one Owen!

Then we padded out the huge sea facing arete on the boulder below the Solstice block which I named Like it or Limpet. I did it from a stand first then low in the pit. Not much difference but the full version is a monster and maybe 7B+!***. Big rock up at the top..eek! (Editor's note: when Pete says 'maybe' read 'definitely'!).

Next I did the arete to the right on the same block, at the right end of the smooth sloping shelf. Looked nails but actually became Two Aretes Syndrome 7A+!**. Dan repeated it.

Then we did Higg's Oystercatcher 7A*. Grade confirmed.

Last I did project line 38 on the topo..the thin slab which became the brill Shrimpmaster 7A**. Not really sure on grade for slabs! Dan repeated it.

What a crag!!"

Dan also got in touch to say he'd done Sleep of Faith 7A on the wall opposite Piethe of Pith, starting with a gripping leap to grab edges in the middle of the otherwise blank wall before making easier finishing moves. Pete and James repeated this, opting for a less gripping French start, pasting a foot on then popping for the edges.

Phew! What a day...and it isn't over yet! There are quite a few more lines to go at in the Talfarach area...

Aspirant repeat ascensionists will find the now outdated topo 1 (see link below) useful for locating the probs - make sure to take a spotter or 2 and plenty of pads!

Relevant links:
      Original news item and link to topos
      Piethe of Pith news item and video
      Video of Pete on FA of Like it or Limpet 7B+